




1、Arthur: Right, but it’s not your idea. The subject’s mind can always trace the genesis of the idea. True inspiration is impossible to fake.

2、Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.

3、Mal: Because we’ll be together!


5、Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defense is lowered that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft.


7、Ariadne: Who would wanna be stuck in a dream for ten years?

8、Cobb: You’re waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can’t know for sure! And it doesn’t matter. Now, tell me why?

9、Ariadne: For what?



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