1、-I mean, I guess it’s just being afraid of what people would think.
3、I've met a lot of talented people over the years. How many of them made it professionally without discipline, commitment and really good work ethic? I can tell you. I can count it on two fingers. It's not gonna happen for you, Mason. The world is too competitive. There are too many talented people who are willing to work hard; and a butt load of morons who are untalented, who are more than willing to surpass you. As a matter of fact, a lot of them are sitting in that classroom out there right now. Hm? You know what they're doing? They're doing their assignments. Which is what you're supposed to be doing, but you're not.
4、I still love your father. But that doesn’t mean it was healthy for us to stay together.
7、MATT:You’re gonna make it, RYAN. 麦特:瑞恩,你会成功的。
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