1、彭蒂科斯将军:你没有听过么?在世界 末日来临之时,你更愿意死在哪里?是 在这里,还是在机甲猎人里?!
2、Your work has been a gift tomankind.You shaped the century.And I need you to do it one more time.Society’sat a tipping point between order and chaos.And tomorrow morning,we’re gonnagive it a push.But,if you don’t do your part,I can’t do mine.And HYDRA can’tgive the world the freedom it deserves.
3、You live in someone else's head for so long.The hardest part to deal with is the silence.To let someone else in,to really connect,you have to trust them.
4、The thing is ,you don’t have to. I’mwith you to the end of the line,pal.
7、雷利-贝克特:有些事情你不能与之 抗争——那些上帝的举动。譬如你看到 飓风来临,你能做的就是逃跑。但当你 在操控机甲猎人,你就可以和飓风搏 击,而且你还会取胜。
8、We codify our existence to bring it down to human size. To make it comprehensible. We have created a scale so we can forget it’s unfathomable scales. Time is the only true unit of measure. It gives proof to the existence of mater.
10、梅远贵:可是我依然爱你阿曼达,我爱你爱得那么辛苦,难道对你来说,我只不过是茫茫人海一粒沙? 阿曼达:不,对我来说,你就是茫茫人海一人渣!
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